Valuekeep Developers - Web API Reference

Work | Preventive Maintenances

Service to manage entities of type 'PreventiveMaintenance'.


URL api/{tenantKey}/{orgKey}/maintenance/preventiveMaintenances
Methods Supported GET, POST, PUT, DELETE

All Operations

This service includes the following operations:

All Resources

This service uses the following resources:

All Enumerations

This service uses the following enumerations:

GET Operations

GET PreventiveMaintenances (odata)

Returns a page of the list of all the entity records available.

The following elements are optional:

opts (ODataQueryOptions) OData query option.


When successful, the response body contains the list of records available. See PreventiveMaintenanceResource.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

GET /maintenance/preventiveMaintenances/odata

GET PreventiveMaintenance by identifier

Returns the entity record that matches the specified identifier.

The following elements are required:

id (string) The record identifier.


When successful, the response body contains the entity record. See PreventiveMaintenanceResource.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.
404 NotFound. The specified record does not exist.

Resource URL:

GET /maintenance/preventiveMaintenances/{id}

GET PreventiveMaintenance by key

Returns the entity record that matches the specified key.

The following elements are required:

companyKey (string) The company key.
preventiveMaintenanceKey (string) Preventive Maintenance.
numerator (int) Numerator.


When successful, the response body contains the entity record. See PreventiveMaintenanceResource.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.
404 NotFound. The specified record does not exist.

Resource URL:

GET /maintenance/preventiveMaintenances/{companyKey}/{preventiveMaintenanceKey}/{numerator}

GET Get Current Schema Entity State

Custom operation 'GetCurrentSchemaEntityState'.

The following elements are required:

companyKey (string) CompanyKey.
preventiveMaintenanceKey (string) PreventiveMaintenanceKey.


When successful, the response body contains a resource of type 'PreventiveMaintenanceResource'. See PreventiveMaintenanceResource.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

GET /maintenance/preventiveMaintenances/getCurrentSchemaEntityState/{companyKey}/{preventiveMaintenanceKey}

GET Get Preventive Maintenance State Transitions

Custom operation 'GetPreventiveMaintenanceStateTransitions'.

The following elements are required:

preventiveMaintenanceKey (string) PreventiveMaintenanceKey.


When successful, the response body contains a list of resources of type 'PreventiveMaintenanceResource'. See PreventiveMaintenanceResource.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

GET /maintenance/preventiveMaintenances/getPreventiveMaintenanceStateTransitions/{preventiveMaintenanceKey}

POST Operations

POST PreventiveMaintenances

Creates a new entity record.

The following elements are required:

preventiveMaintenanceResource (ApiPreventiveMaintenanceResource) The request body should contain the entity record that should be created.
See ApiPreventiveMaintenanceResource.

The following elements are optional:

customAttributes (JSON Document) A key-value pair in JSON format that represents the extensibility custom attributes for this entity.
The key should be the custom attribute name prefixed with "custom_", e.g. "custom_attributeName".
While the "customAttributes" element is optional, please notice that specific custom attributes might be marked as required.


When successful, the response body contains the new entity record identifier. The resource header location property contains the URL for the new entity record. See ApiPreventiveMaintenanceResource.

Response status codes:

201 Created. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

POST /maintenance/preventiveMaintenances

POST Preventive Maintenance Plan

Inserts a new 'Preventive Maintenance Plan' in the 'Preventive Maintenance'.

The following elements are required:

preventiveMaintenanceKey (string) Preventive Maintenance.
numerator (int) Numerator.
companyKey (string) The company key.
value (ApiPreventiveMaintenancePreventiveMaintenancePlansResource) The ApiPreventiveMaintenancePreventiveMaintenancePlansResource instance.
See ApiPreventiveMaintenancePreventiveMaintenancePlansResource.

The following elements are optional:

customAttributes (JSON Document) A key-value pair in JSON format that represents the extensibility custom attributes for this entity.
The key should be the custom attribute name prefixed with "custom_", e.g. "custom_attributeName".
While the "customAttributes" element is optional, please notice that specific custom attributes might be marked as required.


When successful, the response body is empty.

Response status codes:

204 NoContent. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

POST /maintenance/preventiveMaintenances/{companyKey}/{preventiveMaintenanceKey}/{numerator}/preventiveMaintenancePlans

POST Get Preventive Maintenance Recurrence Dates

Custom operation 'GetPreventiveMaintenanceRecurrenceDates'.

The following elements are required:

preventiveMaintenanceKey (string) PreventiveMaintenanceKey.
maintenancePlanKey (string) MaintenancePlanKey.
startDate (DateTimeOffset) StartDate.
endDate (DateTimeOffset) EndDate.

The following elements are optional:

customAttributes (JSON Document) A key-value pair in JSON format that represents the extensibility custom attributes for this entity.
The key should be the custom attribute name prefixed with "custom_", e.g. "custom_attributeName".
While the "customAttributes" element is optional, please notice that specific custom attributes might be marked as required.


When successful, the response body contains a list of resources of type 'PreventiveMaintenanceRecurrenceDate'. See PreventiveMaintenanceRecurrenceDate.

Resource URL:

POST /maintenance/preventiveMaintenances/getPreventiveMaintenanceRecurrenceDates/{preventiveMaintenanceKey}

POST Reschedule Preventive Maintenances

Custom operation 'ReschedulePreventiveMaintenances'.

The following elements are optional:

customAttributes (JSON Document) A key-value pair in JSON format that represents the extensibility custom attributes for this entity.
The key should be the custom attribute name prefixed with "custom_", e.g. "custom_attributeName".
While the "customAttributes" element is optional, please notice that specific custom attributes might be marked as required.


When successful, the response body contains an item of type 'number'.

Resource URL:

POST /maintenance/preventiveMaintenances/reschedulePreventiveMaintenances

POST Change Schema Entity State

Custom operation 'ChangeSchemaEntityState'.

The following elements are required:

companyKey (string) CompanyKey.
preventiveMaintenanceKey (string) PreventiveMaintenanceKey.
schemaEntityStateKey (string) SchemaEntityStateKey.
stateJustificationKey (string) StateJustificationKey.
stateJustificationTypeKey (string) StateJustificationTypeKey.
stateJustificationRemarks (string) StateJustificationRemarks.

The following elements are optional:

customAttributes (JSON Document) A key-value pair in JSON format that represents the extensibility custom attributes for this entity.
The key should be the custom attribute name prefixed with "custom_", e.g. "custom_attributeName".
While the "customAttributes" element is optional, please notice that specific custom attributes might be marked as required.


When successful, the response body contains a resource of type 'ChangePreventiveSchemaEntityStateReturnResource'. See ChangePreventiveSchemaEntityStateReturnResource.

Resource URL:

POST /maintenance/preventiveMaintenances/changeSchemaEntityState/{companyKey}/{preventiveMaintenanceKey}/{schemaEntityStateKey}

PUT Operations

PUT Set AdvanceTolerance PreventiveMaintenancePlan

Updates the value of attribute 'AdvanceTolerance' in the specified entity record.

The following elements are required:

preventiveMaintenanceKey (string) Preventive Maintenance.
numerator (int) Numerator.
lineId (string) The detail identifier.
companyKey (string) The company key.
value (int) The request body should contain the new value for the attribute.


When successful, the response body is empty.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

PUT /maintenance/preventiveMaintenances/{companyKey}/{preventiveMaintenanceKey}/{numerator}/preventiveMaintenancePlans/{lineId}/advanceTolerance

PUT Set AllowCreateNewVersion PreventiveMaintenance

Updates the value of attribute 'AllowCreateNewVersion' in the specified entity record.

The following elements are required:

preventiveMaintenanceKey (string) Preventive Maintenance.
numerator (int) Numerator.
companyKey (string) The company key.
value (bool) The request body should contain the new value for the attribute.


When successful, the response body is empty.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

PUT /maintenance/preventiveMaintenances/{companyKey}/{preventiveMaintenanceKey}/{numerator}/allowCreateNewVersion

PUT Set AllowPreviewEvents PreventiveMaintenance

Updates the value of attribute 'AllowPreviewEvents' in the specified entity record.

The following elements are required:

preventiveMaintenanceKey (string) Preventive Maintenance.
numerator (int) Numerator.
companyKey (string) The company key.
value (bool) The request body should contain the new value for the attribute.


When successful, the response body is empty.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

PUT /maintenance/preventiveMaintenances/{companyKey}/{preventiveMaintenanceKey}/{numerator}/allowPreviewEvents

PUT Set AllowRescheduleEvents PreventiveMaintenance

Updates the value of attribute 'AllowRescheduleEvents' in the specified entity record.

The following elements are required:

preventiveMaintenanceKey (string) Preventive Maintenance.
numerator (int) Numerator.
companyKey (string) The company key.
value (bool) The request body should contain the new value for the attribute.


When successful, the response body is empty.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

PUT /maintenance/preventiveMaintenances/{companyKey}/{preventiveMaintenanceKey}/{numerator}/allowRescheduleEvents

PUT Set CloseWOAuthorization PreventiveMaintenance

Updates the value of attribute 'CloseWOAuthorization' in the specified entity record.

The following elements are required:

preventiveMaintenanceKey (string) Preventive Maintenance.
numerator (int) Numerator.
companyKey (string) The company key.
value (bool) The request body should contain the new value for the attribute.


When successful, the response body is empty.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

PUT /maintenance/preventiveMaintenances/{companyKey}/{preventiveMaintenanceKey}/{numerator}/closeWOAuthorization

PUT Set Company PreventiveMaintenance

Updates the value of attribute 'Company' in the specified entity record.

The following elements are required:

preventiveMaintenanceKey (string) Preventive Maintenance.
numerator (int) Numerator.
companyKey (string) The company key.
value (string) The request body should contain the new value for the attribute.


When successful, the response body is empty.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

PUT /maintenance/preventiveMaintenances/{companyKey}/{preventiveMaintenanceKey}/{numerator}/company

PUT Set CurrentStateId PreventiveMaintenance

Updates the value of attribute 'CurrentStateId' in the specified entity record.

The following elements are required:

preventiveMaintenanceKey (string) Preventive Maintenance.
numerator (int) Numerator.
companyKey (string) The company key.
value (Guid) The request body should contain the new value for the attribute.


When successful, the response body is empty.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

PUT /maintenance/preventiveMaintenances/{companyKey}/{preventiveMaintenanceKey}/{numerator}/currentStateId

PUT Set Customer PreventiveMaintenance

Updates the value of attribute 'Customer' in the specified entity record.

The following elements are required:

preventiveMaintenanceKey (string) Preventive Maintenance.
numerator (int) Numerator.
companyKey (string) The company key.
value (string) The request body should contain the new value for the attribute.


When successful, the response body is empty.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

PUT /maintenance/preventiveMaintenances/{companyKey}/{preventiveMaintenanceKey}/{numerator}/customer

PUT Set DelayTolerance PreventiveMaintenancePlan

Updates the value of attribute 'DelayTolerance' in the specified entity record.

The following elements are required:

preventiveMaintenanceKey (string) Preventive Maintenance.
numerator (int) Numerator.
lineId (string) The detail identifier.
companyKey (string) The company key.
value (int) The request body should contain the new value for the attribute.


When successful, the response body is empty.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

PUT /maintenance/preventiveMaintenances/{companyKey}/{preventiveMaintenanceKey}/{numerator}/preventiveMaintenancePlans/{lineId}/delayTolerance

PUT Set Description PreventiveMaintenance

Updates the value of attribute 'Description' in the specified entity record.

The following elements are required:

preventiveMaintenanceKey (string) Preventive Maintenance.
numerator (int) Numerator.
companyKey (string) The company key.
value (string) The request body should contain the new value for the attribute.


When successful, the response body is empty.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

PUT /maintenance/preventiveMaintenances/{companyKey}/{preventiveMaintenanceKey}/{numerator}/description

PUT Set Events PreventiveMaintenancePlan

Updates the value of attribute 'Events' in the specified entity record.

The following elements are required:

preventiveMaintenanceKey (string) Preventive Maintenance.
numerator (int) Numerator.
lineId (string) The detail identifier.
companyKey (string) The company key.
value (int) The request body should contain the new value for the attribute.


When successful, the response body is empty.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

PUT /maintenance/preventiveMaintenances/{companyKey}/{preventiveMaintenanceKey}/{numerator}/preventiveMaintenancePlans/{lineId}/events

PUT Set ExpectedDuration PreventiveMaintenancePlan

Updates the value of attribute 'ExpectedDuration' in the specified entity record.

The following elements are required:

preventiveMaintenanceKey (string) Preventive Maintenance.
numerator (int) Numerator.
lineId (string) The detail identifier.
companyKey (string) The company key.
value (TimeSpan) The request body should contain the new value for the attribute.


When successful, the response body is empty.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

PUT /maintenance/preventiveMaintenances/{companyKey}/{preventiveMaintenanceKey}/{numerator}/preventiveMaintenancePlans/{lineId}/expectedDuration

PUT Set ExpectedDurationSeconds PreventiveMaintenancePlan

Updates the value of attribute 'ExpectedDurationSeconds' in the specified entity record.

The following elements are required:

preventiveMaintenanceKey (string) Preventive Maintenance.
numerator (int) Numerator.
lineId (string) The detail identifier.
companyKey (string) The company key.
value (int) The request body should contain the new value for the attribute.


When successful, the response body is empty.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

PUT /maintenance/preventiveMaintenances/{companyKey}/{preventiveMaintenanceKey}/{numerator}/preventiveMaintenancePlans/{lineId}/expectedDurationSeconds

PUT Set Interval PreventiveMaintenancePlan

Updates the value of attribute 'Interval' in the specified entity record.

The following elements are required:

preventiveMaintenanceKey (string) Preventive Maintenance.
numerator (int) Numerator.
lineId (string) The detail identifier.
companyKey (string) The company key.
value (decimal) The request body should contain the new value for the attribute.


When successful, the response body is empty.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

PUT /maintenance/preventiveMaintenances/{companyKey}/{preventiveMaintenanceKey}/{numerator}/preventiveMaintenancePlans/{lineId}/interval

PUT Set IsActive PreventiveMaintenance

Updates the value of attribute 'IsActive' in the specified entity record.

The following elements are required:

preventiveMaintenanceKey (string) Preventive Maintenance.
numerator (int) Numerator.
companyKey (string) The company key.
value (bool) The request body should contain the new value for the attribute.


When successful, the response body is empty.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.
404 NotFound. The specified record does not exist.

Resource URL:

PUT /maintenance/preventiveMaintenances/{companyKey}/{preventiveMaintenanceKey}/{numerator}/isActive

PUT Set IsLocked PreventiveMaintenance

Updates the value of attribute 'IsLocked' in the specified entity record.

The following elements are required:

preventiveMaintenanceKey (string) Preventive Maintenance.
numerator (int) Numerator.
companyKey (string) The company key.
value (bool) The request body should contain the new value for the attribute.


When successful, the response body is empty.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

PUT /maintenance/preventiveMaintenances/{companyKey}/{preventiveMaintenanceKey}/{numerator}/isLocked

PUT Set JoinPlans PreventiveMaintenance

Updates the value of attribute 'JoinPlans' in the specified entity record.

The following elements are required:

preventiveMaintenanceKey (string) Preventive Maintenance.
numerator (int) Numerator.
companyKey (string) The company key.
value (bool) The request body should contain the new value for the attribute.


When successful, the response body is empty.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

PUT /maintenance/preventiveMaintenances/{companyKey}/{preventiveMaintenanceKey}/{numerator}/joinPlans

PUT Set MainMaintenancePlan PreventiveMaintenancePlan

Updates the value of attribute 'MainMaintenancePlan' in the specified entity record.

The following elements are required:

preventiveMaintenanceKey (string) Preventive Maintenance.
numerator (int) Numerator.
lineId (string) The detail identifier.
companyKey (string) The company key.
value (string) The request body should contain the new value for the attribute.


When successful, the response body is empty.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

PUT /maintenance/preventiveMaintenances/{companyKey}/{preventiveMaintenanceKey}/{numerator}/preventiveMaintenancePlans/{lineId}/mainMaintenancePlan

PUT Set MainPlan PreventiveMaintenancePlan

Updates the value of attribute 'MainPlan' in the specified entity record.

The following elements are required:

preventiveMaintenanceKey (string) Preventive Maintenance.
numerator (int) Numerator.
lineId (string) The detail identifier.
companyKey (string) The company key.
value (string) The request body should contain the new value for the attribute.


When successful, the response body is empty.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

PUT /maintenance/preventiveMaintenances/{companyKey}/{preventiveMaintenanceKey}/{numerator}/preventiveMaintenancePlans/{lineId}/mainPlan

PUT Set MainPlanDescription PreventiveMaintenancePlan

Updates the value of attribute 'MainPlanDescription' in the specified entity record.

The following elements are required:

preventiveMaintenanceKey (string) Preventive Maintenance.
numerator (int) Numerator.
lineId (string) The detail identifier.
companyKey (string) The company key.
value (string) The request body should contain the new value for the attribute.


When successful, the response body is empty.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

PUT /maintenance/preventiveMaintenances/{companyKey}/{preventiveMaintenanceKey}/{numerator}/preventiveMaintenancePlans/{lineId}/mainPlanDescription

PUT Set MainPlanId PreventiveMaintenancePlan

Updates the value of attribute 'MainPlanId' in the specified entity record.

The following elements are required:

preventiveMaintenanceKey (string) Preventive Maintenance.
numerator (int) Numerator.
lineId (string) The detail identifier.
companyKey (string) The company key.
value (Guid) The request body should contain the new value for the attribute.


When successful, the response body is empty.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

PUT /maintenance/preventiveMaintenances/{companyKey}/{preventiveMaintenanceKey}/{numerator}/preventiveMaintenancePlans/{lineId}/mainPlanId

PUT Set MaintenancePlan PreventiveMaintenancePlan

Updates the value of attribute 'MaintenancePlan' in the specified entity record.

The following elements are required:

preventiveMaintenanceKey (string) Preventive Maintenance.
numerator (int) Numerator.
lineId (string) The detail identifier.
companyKey (string) The company key.
value (string) The request body should contain the new value for the attribute.


When successful, the response body is empty.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

PUT /maintenance/preventiveMaintenances/{companyKey}/{preventiveMaintenanceKey}/{numerator}/preventiveMaintenancePlans/{lineId}/maintenancePlan

PUT Set Meter PreventiveMaintenancePlan

Updates the value of attribute 'Meter' in the specified entity record.

The following elements are required:

preventiveMaintenanceKey (string) Preventive Maintenance.
numerator (int) Numerator.
lineId (string) The detail identifier.
companyKey (string) The company key.
value (string) The request body should contain the new value for the attribute.


When successful, the response body is empty.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

PUT /maintenance/preventiveMaintenances/{companyKey}/{preventiveMaintenanceKey}/{numerator}/preventiveMaintenancePlans/{lineId}/meter

PUT Set MeterAverage PreventiveMaintenancePlan

Updates the value of attribute 'MeterAverage' in the specified entity record.

The following elements are required:

preventiveMaintenanceKey (string) Preventive Maintenance.
numerator (int) Numerator.
lineId (string) The detail identifier.
companyKey (string) The company key.
value (decimal) The request body should contain the new value for the attribute.


When successful, the response body is empty.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

PUT /maintenance/preventiveMaintenances/{companyKey}/{preventiveMaintenanceKey}/{numerator}/preventiveMaintenancePlans/{lineId}/meterAverage

PUT Set MeterLastValue PreventiveMaintenancePlan

Updates the value of attribute 'MeterLastValue' in the specified entity record.

The following elements are required:

preventiveMaintenanceKey (string) Preventive Maintenance.
numerator (int) Numerator.
lineId (string) The detail identifier.
companyKey (string) The company key.
value (decimal) The request body should contain the new value for the attribute.


When successful, the response body is empty.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

PUT /maintenance/preventiveMaintenances/{companyKey}/{preventiveMaintenanceKey}/{numerator}/preventiveMaintenancePlans/{lineId}/meterLastValue

PUT Set MeterStartValue PreventiveMaintenancePlan

Updates the value of attribute 'MeterStartValue' in the specified entity record.

The following elements are required:

preventiveMaintenanceKey (string) Preventive Maintenance.
numerator (int) Numerator.
lineId (string) The detail identifier.
companyKey (string) The company key.
value (decimal) The request body should contain the new value for the attribute.


When successful, the response body is empty.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

PUT /maintenance/preventiveMaintenances/{companyKey}/{preventiveMaintenanceKey}/{numerator}/preventiveMaintenancePlans/{lineId}/meterStartValue

PUT Set NewStateId PreventiveMaintenance

Updates the value of attribute 'NewStateId' in the specified entity record.

The following elements are required:

preventiveMaintenanceKey (string) Preventive Maintenance.
numerator (int) Numerator.
companyKey (string) The company key.
value (Guid) The request body should contain the new value for the attribute.


When successful, the response body is empty.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

PUT /maintenance/preventiveMaintenances/{companyKey}/{preventiveMaintenanceKey}/{numerator}/newStateId

PUT Set NotificationWorkshopId PreventiveMaintenance

Updates the value of attribute 'NotificationWorkshopId' in the specified entity record.

The following elements are required:

preventiveMaintenanceKey (string) Preventive Maintenance.
numerator (int) Numerator.
companyKey (string) The company key.
value (Guid) The request body should contain the new value for the attribute.


When successful, the response body is empty.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

PUT /maintenance/preventiveMaintenances/{companyKey}/{preventiveMaintenanceKey}/{numerator}/notificationWorkshopId

PUT Set Numerator PreventiveMaintenance

Updates the value of attribute 'Numerator' in the specified entity record.

The following elements are required:

preventiveMaintenanceKey (string) Preventive Maintenance.
numerator (int) Numerator.
companyKey (string) The company key.
value (int) The request body should contain the new value for the attribute.


When successful, the response body is empty.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

PUT /maintenance/preventiveMaintenances/{companyKey}/{preventiveMaintenanceKey}/{numerator}/numerator

PUT Set OpenWOAuthorization PreventiveMaintenance

Updates the value of attribute 'OpenWOAuthorization' in the specified entity record.

The following elements are required:

preventiveMaintenanceKey (string) Preventive Maintenance.
numerator (int) Numerator.
companyKey (string) The company key.
value (bool) The request body should contain the new value for the attribute.


When successful, the response body is empty.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

PUT /maintenance/preventiveMaintenances/{companyKey}/{preventiveMaintenanceKey}/{numerator}/openWOAuthorization

PUT Set OperatingState PreventiveMaintenancePlan

Updates the value of attribute 'OperatingState' in the specified entity record.

The following elements are required:

preventiveMaintenanceKey (string) Preventive Maintenance.
numerator (int) Numerator.
lineId (string) The detail identifier.
companyKey (string) The company key.
value (string) The request body should contain the new value for the attribute.


When successful, the response body is empty.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

PUT /maintenance/preventiveMaintenances/{companyKey}/{preventiveMaintenanceKey}/{numerator}/preventiveMaintenancePlans/{lineId}/operatingState

PUT Set PreventiveMaintenanceKey PreventiveMaintenance

Updates the value of attribute 'PreventiveMaintenanceKey' in the specified entity record.

The following elements are required:

preventiveMaintenanceKey (string) Preventive Maintenance.
numerator (int) Numerator.
companyKey (string) The company key.
value (string) The request body should contain the new value for the attribute.


When successful, the response body is empty.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

PUT /maintenance/preventiveMaintenances/{companyKey}/{preventiveMaintenanceKey}/{numerator}/preventiveMaintenanceKey

PUT Set PreventiveMaintenanceVersion PreventiveMaintenance

Updates the value of attribute 'PreventiveMaintenanceVersion' in the specified entity record.

The following elements are required:

preventiveMaintenanceKey (string) Preventive Maintenance.
numerator (int) Numerator.
companyKey (string) The company key.
value (int) The request body should contain the new value for the attribute.


When successful, the response body is empty.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

PUT /maintenance/preventiveMaintenances/{companyKey}/{preventiveMaintenanceKey}/{numerator}/preventiveMaintenanceVersion

PUT Set PreviousStateId PreventiveMaintenance

Updates the value of attribute 'PreviousStateId' in the specified entity record.

The following elements are required:

preventiveMaintenanceKey (string) Preventive Maintenance.
numerator (int) Numerator.
companyKey (string) The company key.
value (Guid) The request body should contain the new value for the attribute.


When successful, the response body is empty.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

PUT /maintenance/preventiveMaintenances/{companyKey}/{preventiveMaintenanceKey}/{numerator}/previousStateId

PUT Set PriorityLevel PreventiveMaintenance

Updates the value of attribute 'PriorityLevel' in the specified entity record.

The following elements are required:

preventiveMaintenanceKey (string) Preventive Maintenance.
numerator (int) Numerator.
companyKey (string) The company key.
value (string) The request body should contain the new value for the attribute.


When successful, the response body is empty.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

PUT /maintenance/preventiveMaintenances/{companyKey}/{preventiveMaintenanceKey}/{numerator}/priorityLevel

PUT Set ProjectionEndDate PreventiveMaintenance

Updates the value of attribute 'ProjectionEndDate' in the specified entity record.

The following elements are required:

preventiveMaintenanceKey (string) Preventive Maintenance.
numerator (int) Numerator.
companyKey (string) The company key.
value (DateTime) The request body should contain the new value for the attribute.


When successful, the response body is empty.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

PUT /maintenance/preventiveMaintenances/{companyKey}/{preventiveMaintenanceKey}/{numerator}/projectionEndDate

PUT Set Provider PreventiveMaintenance

Updates the value of attribute 'Provider' in the specified entity record.

The following elements are required:

preventiveMaintenanceKey (string) Preventive Maintenance.
numerator (int) Numerator.
companyKey (string) The company key.
value (string) The request body should contain the new value for the attribute.


When successful, the response body is empty.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

PUT /maintenance/preventiveMaintenances/{companyKey}/{preventiveMaintenanceKey}/{numerator}/provider

PUT Set RecurrenceConfig PreventiveMaintenancePlan

Updates the value of attribute 'RecurrenceConfig' in the specified entity record.

The following elements are required:

preventiveMaintenanceKey (string) Preventive Maintenance.
numerator (int) Numerator.
lineId (string) The detail identifier.
companyKey (string) The company key.
value (string) The request body should contain the new value for the attribute.


When successful, the response body is empty.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

PUT /maintenance/preventiveMaintenances/{companyKey}/{preventiveMaintenanceKey}/{numerator}/preventiveMaintenancePlans/{lineId}/recurrenceConfig

PUT Set ReferenceCalendar PreventiveMaintenance

Updates the value of attribute 'ReferenceCalendar' in the specified entity record.

The following elements are required:

preventiveMaintenanceKey (string) Preventive Maintenance.
numerator (int) Numerator.
companyKey (string) The company key.
value (enum ReferenceCalendar) The request body should contain the new value for the attribute.
See ReferenceCalendar.


When successful, the response body is empty.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

PUT /maintenance/preventiveMaintenances/{companyKey}/{preventiveMaintenanceKey}/{numerator}/referenceCalendar

PUT Set ReferenceTimeSchedule PreventiveMaintenance

Updates the value of attribute 'ReferenceTimeSchedule' in the specified entity record.

The following elements are required:

preventiveMaintenanceKey (string) Preventive Maintenance.
numerator (int) Numerator.
companyKey (string) The company key.
value (enum ReferenceTimeSchedule) The request body should contain the new value for the attribute.
See ReferenceTimeSchedule.


When successful, the response body is empty.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

PUT /maintenance/preventiveMaintenances/{companyKey}/{preventiveMaintenanceKey}/{numerator}/referenceTimeSchedule

PUT Set Remarks PreventiveMaintenance

Updates the value of attribute 'Remarks' in the specified entity record.

The following elements are required:

preventiveMaintenanceKey (string) Preventive Maintenance.
numerator (int) Numerator.
companyKey (string) The company key.
value (string) The request body should contain the new value for the attribute.


When successful, the response body is empty.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

PUT /maintenance/preventiveMaintenances/{companyKey}/{preventiveMaintenanceKey}/{numerator}/remarks

PUT Set ReplacementCriteria PreventiveMaintenancePlan

Updates the value of attribute 'ReplacementCriteria' in the specified entity record.

The following elements are required:

preventiveMaintenanceKey (string) Preventive Maintenance.
numerator (int) Numerator.
lineId (string) The detail identifier.
companyKey (string) The company key.
value (enum ReplacementCriteria) The request body should contain the new value for the attribute.
See ReplacementCriteria.


When successful, the response body is empty.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

PUT /maintenance/preventiveMaintenances/{companyKey}/{preventiveMaintenanceKey}/{numerator}/preventiveMaintenancePlans/{lineId}/replacementCriteria

PUT Set ReplacementStart PreventiveMaintenancePlan

Updates the value of attribute 'ReplacementStart' in the specified entity record.

The following elements are required:

preventiveMaintenanceKey (string) Preventive Maintenance.
numerator (int) Numerator.
lineId (string) The detail identifier.
companyKey (string) The company key.
value (int) The request body should contain the new value for the attribute.


When successful, the response body is empty.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

PUT /maintenance/preventiveMaintenances/{companyKey}/{preventiveMaintenanceKey}/{numerator}/preventiveMaintenancePlans/{lineId}/replacementStart

PUT Set RescheduleDate PreventiveMaintenance

Updates the value of attribute 'RescheduleDate' in the specified entity record.

The following elements are required:

preventiveMaintenanceKey (string) Preventive Maintenance.
numerator (int) Numerator.
companyKey (string) The company key.
value (DateTimeOffset) The request body should contain the new value for the attribute.


When successful, the response body is empty.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

PUT /maintenance/preventiveMaintenances/{companyKey}/{preventiveMaintenanceKey}/{numerator}/rescheduleDate

PUT Set RescheduleLog PreventiveMaintenance

Updates the value of attribute 'RescheduleLog' in the specified entity record.

The following elements are required:

preventiveMaintenanceKey (string) Preventive Maintenance.
numerator (int) Numerator.
companyKey (string) The company key.
value (string) The request body should contain the new value for the attribute.


When successful, the response body is empty.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

PUT /maintenance/preventiveMaintenances/{companyKey}/{preventiveMaintenanceKey}/{numerator}/rescheduleLog

PUT Set RescheduleResult PreventiveMaintenance

Updates the value of attribute 'RescheduleResult' in the specified entity record.

The following elements are required:

preventiveMaintenanceKey (string) Preventive Maintenance.
numerator (int) Numerator.
companyKey (string) The company key.
value (enum RescheduleResult) The request body should contain the new value for the attribute.
See RescheduleResult.


When successful, the response body is empty.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

PUT /maintenance/preventiveMaintenances/{companyKey}/{preventiveMaintenanceKey}/{numerator}/rescheduleResult

PUT Set Responsible PreventiveMaintenance

Updates the value of attribute 'Responsible' in the specified entity record.

The following elements are required:

preventiveMaintenanceKey (string) Preventive Maintenance.
numerator (int) Numerator.
companyKey (string) The company key.
value (string) The request body should contain the new value for the attribute.


When successful, the response body is empty.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

PUT /maintenance/preventiveMaintenances/{companyKey}/{preventiveMaintenanceKey}/{numerator}/responsible

PUT Set SchedulingCriteria PreventiveMaintenance

Updates the value of attribute 'SchedulingCriteria' in the specified entity record.

The following elements are required:

preventiveMaintenanceKey (string) Preventive Maintenance.
numerator (int) Numerator.
companyKey (string) The company key.
value (enum SchedulingCriteria) The request body should contain the new value for the attribute.
See SchedulingCriteria.


When successful, the response body is empty.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

PUT /maintenance/preventiveMaintenances/{companyKey}/{preventiveMaintenanceKey}/{numerator}/schedulingCriteria

PUT Set SchemaEntityState PreventiveMaintenance

Updates the value of attribute 'SchemaEntityState' in the specified entity record.

The following elements are required:

preventiveMaintenanceKey (string) Preventive Maintenance.
numerator (int) Numerator.
companyKey (string) The company key.
value (string) The request body should contain the new value for the attribute.


When successful, the response body is empty.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

PUT /maintenance/preventiveMaintenances/{companyKey}/{preventiveMaintenanceKey}/{numerator}/schemaEntityState

PUT Set SimplifiedReporting PreventiveMaintenance

Updates the value of attribute 'SimplifiedReporting' in the specified entity record.

The following elements are required:

preventiveMaintenanceKey (string) Preventive Maintenance.
numerator (int) Numerator.
companyKey (string) The company key.
value (bool) The request body should contain the new value for the attribute.


When successful, the response body is empty.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

PUT /maintenance/preventiveMaintenances/{companyKey}/{preventiveMaintenanceKey}/{numerator}/simplifiedReporting

PUT Set StartValue PreventiveMaintenancePlan

Updates the value of attribute 'StartValue' in the specified entity record.

The following elements are required:

preventiveMaintenanceKey (string) Preventive Maintenance.
numerator (int) Numerator.
lineId (string) The detail identifier.
companyKey (string) The company key.
value (decimal) The request body should contain the new value for the attribute.


When successful, the response body is empty.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

PUT /maintenance/preventiveMaintenances/{companyKey}/{preventiveMaintenanceKey}/{numerator}/preventiveMaintenancePlans/{lineId}/startValue

PUT Set TemplateParameters PreventiveMaintenance

Updates the value of attribute 'TemplateParameters' in the specified entity record.

The following elements are required:

preventiveMaintenanceKey (string) Preventive Maintenance.
numerator (int) Numerator.
companyKey (string) The company key.
value (string) The request body should contain the new value for the attribute.


When successful, the response body is empty.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

PUT /maintenance/preventiveMaintenances/{companyKey}/{preventiveMaintenanceKey}/{numerator}/templateParameters

PUT Set TimeZoneDescription PreventiveMaintenance

Updates the value of attribute 'TimeZoneDescription' in the specified entity record.

The following elements are required:

preventiveMaintenanceKey (string) Preventive Maintenance.
numerator (int) Numerator.
companyKey (string) The company key.
value (string) The request body should contain the new value for the attribute.


When successful, the response body is empty.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

PUT /maintenance/preventiveMaintenances/{companyKey}/{preventiveMaintenanceKey}/{numerator}/timeZoneDescription

PUT Set TimeZoneId PreventiveMaintenance

Updates the value of attribute 'TimeZoneId' in the specified entity record.

The following elements are required:

preventiveMaintenanceKey (string) Preventive Maintenance.
numerator (int) Numerator.
companyKey (string) The company key.
value (string) The request body should contain the new value for the attribute.


When successful, the response body is empty.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

PUT /maintenance/preventiveMaintenances/{companyKey}/{preventiveMaintenanceKey}/{numerator}/timeZoneId

PUT Set WorkCalendar PreventiveMaintenance

Updates the value of attribute 'WorkCalendar' in the specified entity record.

The following elements are required:

preventiveMaintenanceKey (string) Preventive Maintenance.
numerator (int) Numerator.
companyKey (string) The company key.
value (string) The request body should contain the new value for the attribute.


When successful, the response body is empty.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

PUT /maintenance/preventiveMaintenances/{companyKey}/{preventiveMaintenanceKey}/{numerator}/workCalendar

PUT Set WorkOrderState PreventiveMaintenance

Updates the value of attribute 'WorkOrderState' in the specified entity record.

The following elements are required:

preventiveMaintenanceKey (string) Preventive Maintenance.
numerator (int) Numerator.
companyKey (string) The company key.
value (string) The request body should contain the new value for the attribute.


When successful, the response body is empty.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

PUT /maintenance/preventiveMaintenances/{companyKey}/{preventiveMaintenanceKey}/{numerator}/workOrderState

PUT Set WorkOrderType PreventiveMaintenance

Updates the value of attribute 'WorkOrderType' in the specified entity record.

The following elements are required:

preventiveMaintenanceKey (string) Preventive Maintenance.
numerator (int) Numerator.
companyKey (string) The company key.
value (string) The request body should contain the new value for the attribute.


When successful, the response body is empty.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

PUT /maintenance/preventiveMaintenances/{companyKey}/{preventiveMaintenanceKey}/{numerator}/workOrderType

PUT Set Workshop PreventiveMaintenance

Updates the value of attribute 'Workshop' in the specified entity record.

The following elements are required:

preventiveMaintenanceKey (string) Preventive Maintenance.
numerator (int) Numerator.
companyKey (string) The company key.
value (string) The request body should contain the new value for the attribute.


When successful, the response body is empty.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

PUT /maintenance/preventiveMaintenances/{companyKey}/{preventiveMaintenanceKey}/{numerator}/workshop

PUT Set WorkTimeSchedule PreventiveMaintenance

Updates the value of attribute 'WorkTimeSchedule' in the specified entity record.

The following elements are required:

preventiveMaintenanceKey (string) Preventive Maintenance.
numerator (int) Numerator.
companyKey (string) The company key.
value (string) The request body should contain the new value for the attribute.


When successful, the response body is empty.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

PUT /maintenance/preventiveMaintenances/{companyKey}/{preventiveMaintenanceKey}/{numerator}/workTimeSchedule

PUT Set Custom Attribute PreventiveMaintenance

Updates the value of 'CustomAttribute' in the specified entity record.

The following elements are required:

companyKey (string) The company key.
preventiveMaintenanceKey (string) Preventive Maintenance
numerator (int) Numerator
customAttributeName (string) The custom attribute name.
value (ExtensibilityCustomAttributeValueResource) The request body should contain the new value for the custom attribute.
See ExtensibilityCustomAttributeValueResource.


When successful, the response body is empty.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.
404 NotFound. The specified record does not exist.

Resource URL:

PUT /maintenance/preventiveMaintenances/{companyKey}/{preventiveMaintenanceKey}/{numerator}/{customAttributeName}

PUT Set Custom Attribute PreventiveMaintenancePlan

Updates the value of 'CustomAttribute' in the specified entity record.

The following elements are required:

companyKey (string) The company key.
preventiveMaintenanceKey (string) Preventive Maintenance
numerator (int) Numerator
lineId (string) The detail identifier.
customAttributeName (string) The custom attribute name.
value (ExtensibilityCustomAttributeValueResource) The request body should contain the new value for the custom attribute.
See ExtensibilityCustomAttributeValueResource.


When successful, the response body is empty.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.
404 NotFound. The specified record does not exist.

Resource URL:

PUT /maintenance/preventiveMaintenances/{companyKey}/{preventiveMaintenanceKey}/{numerator}/preventiveMaintenancePlans/{lineId}/{customAttributeName}

DELETE Operations

DELETE Preventive Maintenance Plan by identifier

Deletes the entity record that matches the specified identifier.

The following elements are required:

preventiveMaintenanceKey (string) Preventive Maintenance.
numerator (int) Numerator.
companyKey (string) The company key.
lineId (string) The line identifier.


When successful, the response body is empty.

Response status codes:

204 NoContent. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.
404 NotFound. The specified record does not exist.

Resource URL:

DELETE /maintenance/preventiveMaintenances/{companyKey}/{preventiveMaintenanceKey}/{numerator}/preventiveMaintenancePlans/{lineId}

DELETE PreventiveMaintenance by identifier

Deletes the entity record that matches the specified identifier.

The following elements are required:

id (string) The record identifier.


When successful, the response body is empty.

Response status codes:

204 Deleted. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.
404 NotFound. The specified record does not exist.

Resource URL:

DELETE /maintenance/preventiveMaintenances/{id}

DELETE PreventiveMaintenance by key

Deletes the entity record that matches the specified key.

The following elements are required:

companyKey (string) The company key.
preventiveMaintenanceKey (string) Preventive Maintenance.
numerator (int) Numerator.


When successful, the response body is empty.

Response status codes:

204 Deleted. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.
404 NotFound. The specified record does not exist.

Resource URL:

DELETE /maintenance/preventiveMaintenances/{companyKey}/{preventiveMaintenanceKey}/{numerator}



The following elements are required:

maintenancePlan (string) Maintenance Plan.
advanceTolerance (int) Advance Tolerance.
delayTolerance (int) Delay Tolerance.

The following elements are optional:

recurrenceConfig (string) Recurrence Config.
operatingState (string) Operating State.
replacementCriteria (enum ReplacementCriteria) Replacement Criteria.
See ReplacementCriteria.
mainMaintenancePlan (string) Main Plan.
events (int) Events.
replacementStart (int) Start at.
mainPlanId (Guid) Main Plan Id.
mainPlan (string) Main Plan.
mainPlanDescription (string) Main Plan Description.
meter (string) Meter.
interval (decimal) Interval.
startValue (decimal) Start Value.
meterLastValue (decimal) Meter Last Value.
meterAverage (decimal) Meter Average.
meterStartValue (decimal) Meter Start Value.
expectedDuration (TimeSpan) Expected Duration.
expectedDurationSeconds (int) Expected Duration Seconds.


The following elements are required:

preventiveMaintenanceKey (string) Preventive Maintenance.
numerator (int) Numerator.
preventiveMaintenanceVersion (int) Version.
description (string) Description.
schemaEntityState (string) State.
workOrderType (string) WO Type.
workshop (string) Workshop.
assetType (enum AssetType) Type.
See AssetType.
priorityLevel (string) Priority Level.
company (string) Company.
openWOAuthorization (bool) If true the system only allows the work order to be opened after an authorization has been granted.
closeWOAuthorization (bool) If true the system only allows the work order to be closed after an authorization has been granted.
simplifiedReporting (bool) If true the system will report automatically the items and labor associated to the work order tasks.
joinPlans (bool) Join Plans.
schedulingCriteria (enum SchedulingCriteria) Scheduling.
See SchedulingCriteria.
timeZoneId (string) Time Zone.
allowPreviewEvents (bool) Allow Preview Events.
allowRescheduleEvents (bool) Allow Reschedule Events.
allowCreateNewVersion (bool) Allow Create New Version.
newStateId (Guid) New State Id.

The following elements are optional:

responsible (string) Person In Charge.
parentLocation (string) Parent Location.
location (string) Location.
equipment (string) Equipment.
tool (string) Tool.
maintenanceRoute (string) Route.
remarks (string) Remarks.
preventiveMaintenancePlans (List of ApiPreventiveMaintenancePreventiveMaintenancePlansResource) Maintenance Plans.
See ApiPreventiveMaintenancePreventiveMaintenancePlansResource.
projectionEndDate (DateTime) Projection End.
customer (string) Customer.
provider (string) Supplier.
rescheduleLog (string) Log.
rescheduleDate (DateTimeOffset) Date.
rescheduleResult (enum RescheduleResult) Result.
See RescheduleResult.
workOrderState (string) WO State.
currentStateId (Guid) Current State Id.
timeZoneDescription (string) Time Zone.
templateParameters (string) Template Parameters.
notificationWorkshopId (Guid) Notification Workshop Id.
previousStateId (Guid) Previous State Id.
isLocked (bool) Is Locked.
referenceCalendar (enum ReferenceCalendar) Reference Calendar.
See ReferenceCalendar.
workCalendar (string) Calendar.
referenceTimeSchedule (enum ReferenceTimeSchedule) Reference Time Schedule.
See ReferenceTimeSchedule.
workTimeSchedule (string) Time Schedule.
preventiveMaintenanceEventKey (string) Preventive Maintenance Event Key.
predictedDate (DateTimeOffset) Predicted Date.
maintenancePlanKey (string) Maintenance Plan Key.
maintenancePlan (string) Maintenance Plan.


The following elements are required:

allowPreviewEvents (bool) Allow Preview Events.
allowRescheduleEvents (bool) Allow Reschedule Events.
allowCreateNewVersion (bool) Allow Create New Version.

The following elements are optional:

message (string) Message.


The following elements are required:

maintenancePlan (string) Maintenance Plan.
advanceTolerance (int) Advance Tolerance.
delayTolerance (int) Delay Tolerance.

The following elements are optional:

recurrenceConfig (string) Recurrence Config.
operatingState (string) Operating State.
replacementCriteria (enum ReplacementCriteria) Replacement Criteria.
See ReplacementCriteria.
mainMaintenancePlan (string) Main Plan.
events (int) Events.
replacementStart (int) Start at.
mainPlanId (Guid) Main Plan Id.
mainPlan (string) Main Plan.
mainPlanDescription (string) Main Plan Description.
meter (string) Meter.
interval (decimal) Interval.
startValue (decimal) Start Value.
meterLastValue (decimal) Meter Last Value.
meterAverage (decimal) Meter Average.
meterStartValue (decimal) Meter Start Value.
expectedDuration (TimeSpan) Expected Duration.
expectedDurationSeconds (int) Expected Duration Seconds.


The following elements are required:

maintenancePlanKey (string) Maintenance Plan Key.
recurrenceDate (DateTimeOffset) Recurrence Date.

The following elements are optional:

preventiveMaintenancePlanId (Guid) Preventive Maintenance Plan Id.


The following elements are required:

preventiveMaintenanceKey (string) Preventive Maintenance.
numerator (int) Numerator.
preventiveMaintenanceVersion (int) Version.
description (string) Description.
schemaEntityState (string) State.
workOrderType (string) WO Type.
workshop (string) Workshop.
assetType (enum AssetType) Type.
See AssetType.
priorityLevel (string) Priority Level.
company (string) Company.
openWOAuthorization (bool) If true the system only allows the work order to be opened after an authorization has been granted.
closeWOAuthorization (bool) If true the system only allows the work order to be closed after an authorization has been granted.
simplifiedReporting (bool) If true the system will report automatically the items and labor associated to the work order tasks.
joinPlans (bool) Join Plans.
schedulingCriteria (enum SchedulingCriteria) Scheduling.
See SchedulingCriteria.
timeZoneId (string) Time Zone.
allowPreviewEvents (bool) Allow Preview Events.
allowRescheduleEvents (bool) Allow Reschedule Events.
allowCreateNewVersion (bool) Allow Create New Version.
newStateId (Guid) New State Id.

The following elements are optional:

responsible (string) Person In Charge.
parentLocation (string) Parent Location.
location (string) Location.
equipment (string) Equipment.
tool (string) Tool.
maintenanceRoute (string) Route.
remarks (string) Remarks.
preventiveMaintenancePlans (List of PreventiveMaintenancePlanResource) Maintenance Plans.
See PreventiveMaintenancePlanResource.
projectionEndDate (DateTime) Projection End.
customer (string) Customer.
provider (string) Supplier.
rescheduleLog (string) Log.
rescheduleDate (DateTimeOffset) Date.
rescheduleResult (enum RescheduleResult) Result.
See RescheduleResult.
workOrderState (string) WO State.
currentStateId (Guid) Current State Id.
timeZoneDescription (string) Time Zone.
templateParameters (string) Template Parameters.
notificationWorkshopId (Guid) Notification Workshop Id.
previousStateId (Guid) Previous State Id.
isLocked (bool) Is Locked.
referenceCalendar (enum ReferenceCalendar) Reference Calendar.
See ReferenceCalendar.
workCalendar (string) Calendar.
referenceTimeSchedule (enum ReferenceTimeSchedule) Reference Time Schedule.
See ReferenceTimeSchedule.
workTimeSchedule (string) Time Schedule.
preventiveMaintenanceEventKey (string) Preventive Maintenance Event Key.
predictedDate (DateTimeOffset) Predicted Date.
maintenancePlanKey (string) Maintenance Plan Key.
maintenancePlan (string) Maintenance Plan.


The following elements are required:

value (object) The custom attribute value.



1 Location
2 Equipment
3 Tool
4 Route


1 CompanyDefault
2 Other


1 CompanyDefault
2 Other


1 Multiplier
3 Replacement


1 Success
2 Error


1 FixedDate
2 OpeningDate
3 ClosingDate