Valuekeep Developers - Web API Reference

Settings | Assets By User


URL api/{tenantKey}/{orgKey}/settings/assetsByUsers
Methods Supported GET

All Operations

This service includes the following operations:

All Resources

This service uses the following resources:

GET Operations

GET Get Equipment By User

Custom operation 'GetEquipmentByUser'.

The following elements are required:

username (string) Username.
version (string) Version.
modifiedOn (DateTimeOffset) ModifiedOn.
maxRecords (int) MaxRecords.
company (string) Company.


When successful, the response body contains a list of resources of type 'EquipmentByUser'. See EquipmentByUser.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

GET /settings/assetsByUsers/getEquipmentByUser

GET Get Locations By User

Custom operation 'GetLocationsByUser'.

The following elements are required:

username (string) Username.
version (string) Version.
modifiedOn (DateTimeOffset) ModifiedOn.
maxRecords (int) MaxRecords.
company (string) Company.


When successful, the response body contains a list of resources of type 'LocationsByUser'. See LocationsByUser.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

GET /settings/assetsByUsers/getLocationsByUser

GET Get Access Levels

Custom operation 'GetAccessLevels'.

The following elements are required:

version (string) Version.
maxRecords (int) MaxRecords.
company (string) Company.


When successful, the response body contains a list of resources of type 'AccessLevelsResource'. See AccessLevelsResource.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

GET /settings/assetsByUsers/getAccessLevels

GET Get Access Level Parties

Custom operation 'GetAccessLevelParties'.

The following elements are required:

version (string) Version.
maxRecords (int) MaxRecords.
company (string) Company.


When successful, the response body contains a list of resources of type 'PartiesByAccessLevelResource'. See PartiesByAccessLevelResource.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

GET /settings/assetsByUsers/getAccessLevelParties

GET Get Access Level Locations

Custom operation 'GetAccessLevelLocations'.

The following elements are required:

version (string) Version.
maxRecords (int) MaxRecords.
company (string) Company.


When successful, the response body contains a list of resources of type 'LocationsByAccessLevelResource'. See LocationsByAccessLevelResource.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

GET /settings/assetsByUsers/getAccessLevelLocations

GET Get Access Level Tools

Custom operation 'GetAccessLevelTools'.

The following elements are required:

version (string) Version.
maxRecords (int) MaxRecords.
company (string) Company.


When successful, the response body contains a list of resources of type 'ToolsByAccessLevelResource'. See ToolsByAccessLevelResource.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

GET /settings/assetsByUsers/getAccessLevelTools

GET Get Access Level Equipments

Custom operation 'GetAccessLevelEquipments'.

The following elements are required:

version (string) Version.
maxRecords (int) MaxRecords.
company (string) Company.


When successful, the response body contains a list of resources of type 'EquimentsByAccessLevelResource'. See EquimentsByAccessLevelResource.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

GET /settings/assetsByUsers/getAccessLevelEquipments

GET Get Tools By User

Custom operation 'GetToolsByUser'.

The following elements are required:

username (string) Username.
version (string) Version.
modifiedOn (DateTimeOffset) ModifiedOn.
maxRecords (int) MaxRecords.
company (string) Company.


When successful, the response body contains a list of resources of type 'ToolsByUser'. See ToolsByUser.

Response status codes:

200 OK. The operation was completed successfully.
400 BadRequest. The request parameters are invalid.

Resource URL:

GET /settings/assetsByUsers/getToolsByUser



The following elements are required:

id (Guid) Id.
description (string) Description.
modifiedOn (DateTimeOffset) Modified On.

The following elements are optional:

accessLevelKey (string) Access Level Key.
isDefault (bool) Is Default.
version (string) Version.


The following elements are required:

id (Guid) Id.
equipmentKey (string) Equipment Key.
description (string) Description.
modifiedOn (DateTimeOffset) Modified On.

The following elements are optional:

accessLevelId (Guid) Access Level Id.
accessLevelKey (string) Access Level Key.
version (string) Version.


The following elements are required:

equipmentKey (string) Equipment Key.
description (string) Description.
id (Guid) Id.
isActive (bool) Is Active.
modifiedOn (DateTimeOffset) Modified On.

The following elements are optional:

isUpTime (bool) Is Up Time.
criticality (string) Criticality.
barcode (string) Barcode.
locationDesc (string) Location Desc.
location (string) Location.
serial (string) Serial.
responsible (string) Responsible.
brandDesc (string) Brand Desc.
brand (string) Brand.
brandModelDesc (string) Brand Model Desc.
brandModel (string) Brand Model.
familyDesc (string) Family Desc.
family (string) Family.
parentEquipment (string) Parent Equipment.
parentEquipmentDesc (string) Parent Equipment Desc.
externalReferencID (string) ExternalReferencID.
picture (string) Picture.
remarks (string) Remarks.
keyword (string) Keyword.
exchangeRateDate (DateTime) Exchange Rate Date.
exchangeRate (decimal) Exchange Rate.
baseCurrency (string) BaseCurrency.
company (string) Company.
isDisposed (bool) IsDisposed.
reportingCurrency (string) ReportingCurrency.
currency (string) Currency.
version (string) Version.


The following elements are required:

id (Guid) Id.
locationKey (string) Location Key.
description (string) Description.
modifiedOn (DateTimeOffset) Modified On.

The following elements are optional:

accessLevelId (Guid) Access Level Id.
accessLevelKey (string) Access Level Key.
version (string) Version.


The following elements are required:

locationKey (string) Location Key.
description (string) Description.
id (Guid) Id.
isActive (bool) Is Active.
modifiedOn (DateTimeOffset) Modified On.

The following elements are optional:

isUpTime (bool) Is Up Time.
criticality (string) Criticality.
barcode (string) Barcode.
parentLocationDesc (string) Parent Location Desc.
parentLocation (string) Parent Location.
locationFunctionDesc (string) Location Function Desc.
locationFunction (string) Location Function.
responsible (string) Responsible.
countryDesc (string) Country Desc.
country (string) Country.
latitud (string) Latitud.
longitud (string) Longitud.
picture (string) Picture.
remarks (string) Remarks.
keyword (string) Keyword.
externalReferenceID (string) External Reference ID.
streetName (string) Street Name.
buildingNumber (string) Building Number.
postalZone (string) Postal Zone.
cityName (string) City Name.
telephone (string) Telephone.
mobile (string) Mobile.
company (string) Company.
version (string) Version.


The following elements are required:

id (Guid) Id.
partyKey (string) Party Key.
name (string) Name.
modifiedOn (DateTimeOffset) Modified On.

The following elements are optional:

accessLevelId (Guid) Access Level Id.
accessLevelKey (string) Access Level Key.
version (string) Version.


The following elements are required:

id (Guid) Id.
toolKey (string) Tool Key.
description (string) Description.
modifiedOn (DateTimeOffset) Modified On.

The following elements are optional:

accessLevelId (Guid) Access Level Id.
accessLevelKey (string) Access Level Key.
version (string) Version.


The following elements are required:

toolKey (string) Tool Key.
description (string) Description.
id (Guid) Id.
isActive (bool) Is Active.
modifiedOn (DateTimeOffset) Modified On.

The following elements are optional:

isUpTime (bool) Is Up Time.
criticality (string) Criticality.
barcode (string) Barcode.
locationDesc (string) Location Desc.
location (string) Location.
serial (string) Serial.
responsible (string) Responsible.
brandDesc (string) Brand Desc.
brand (string) Brand.
brandModelDesc (string) Brand Model Desc.
brandModel (string) Brand Model.
familyDesc (string) Family Desc.
family (string) Family.
parentEquipment (string) Parent Equipment.
parentEquipmentDesc (string) Parent Equipment Desc.
externalReferencID (string) External Referenc ID.
picture (string) Picture.
remarks (string) Remarks.
keyword (string) Keyword.
exchangeRateDate (DateTime) ExchangeRateDate.
exchangeRate (decimal) ExchangeRate.
baseCurrency (string) BaseCurrency.
company (string) Company.
isDisposed (bool) IsDisposed.
currency (string) Currency.
reportingCurrency (string) ReportingCurrency.
version (string) Version.